Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Collecting Every Pet Society Trophy

Pet Society Secrets

Every Facebook game has its methods of measuring your progress. For Pet Society, the trophies that you can gain from completing various aspects of the game are that means. There are 42 total Pet Society trophy options in the game with 14 different categories and 3 trophies in each of those categories. They come in bronze, silver, and gold and will grow harder the higher you get. For the most part, the Pet Society trophy system is relatively easy to master, but there are a few tricky ones you’ll want to know how to get around if you’re serious about pulling this off.

How to Get a Pet Society Trophy

To get a Pet Society Trophy, you simply need to learn what different things are required for their completion. There are any number of different categories, each of them with three different levels of completion. For example, you can get the Ball tossing trophies by keeping the ball up 15 times (bronze trophy), 30 times (silver trophy), and 50 times (gold trophy). The bronze trophies are almost all things that you’re going to be able to do anyways, but the higher level trophies may take you some time and energy to complete in most cases.

What the Pet Society Trophy Categories Mean

The majority of the trophy categories involve doing a certain action a certain number of times. In fact, almost half the trophies are directly related to going out and buying clothing and furniture. These things will happen with time anyways, so don’t worry about speeding through them. Then there are races, betting, and sports – which make up 5 of the 14 categories. The remaining categories are related to visiting friends and sending gifts – two things that any good Pet Society player should do anyways, but that you may find yourself doing in large bursts to get quicker.

If you want to get a Pet Society trophy or if you want to get all 42 of them, you need to start out by logging into the game each and every day and working toward a tangible list of things you can complete. It might seem like you’re working towards a lot of different goals here, but in all honesty, you’ll get over half of these trophies just by playing the game if you login each day. The rest will take some more time, but with a good eye for details in the game, you’ll snag them before you know it.  

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Recruiting New Friends in Pet Society

Pet Society Secrets

There are few things in a game like Pet Society that become essentially necessary to playing the game. Friends in Pet Society are one of those things – becoming an integral part of the way the game plays and of how you manage your character as you level up. So, if you’re even remotely serious about advancing in the game, you need to find out how to get as many new friends and neighbors as possible. Let’s take a closer look at how to gain and keep your friends in Pet Society happy.

Getting New Friends in Pet Society

Finding new friends for any reason can be tough, but finding them specifically to link up with you in a Facebook game can be downright frustrating. So, you need to get creative if you want to track down people who are going to be interested in playing with you. To start with, you should exhaust your own personal list of friends before turning to strangers. You never know who on your friends list might be interested in playing (or already plays other Facebook games).

Once that is exhausted though (and it will be exhausted sooner than later), you should turn to forums, blogs, twitter, and Facebook groups to find people who are interested in joining up with you to discuss these matters. You’ll often find people who are interested in a game only friendship just as much as you. Just be sure that you discuss it first. When you have too many friend requests turned down by people, Facebook starts to limit how many you can send and eventually will investigate you for a spammer.

Making Friends in Pet Society Happy

To keep all those friends happy, you only really need to do one thing – send them gifts. They will visit your home just as much as you visit their home, so that benefit is mutual, but if you are interested in staying engaged (and getting a fair number of gifts yourself), you need to send gifts, stickers, and whatever else you can get to each of your friends at least every 1-3 days.

If you’re serious about this game, you need to load up on as many friends in Pet Society as
you can. They will allow you to gain more coins, more Paw Points and a whole lot more fun by engaging in activities in each other’s houses. Unlike some other Facebook games where the benefits cap out around 25 friends, Pet Society will allow you to gain from your friends infinitely. From making coins with visits to getting new items and stickers via gifts, your friends are vital.

Get a lot of them and keep them happy.  

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Key to Successful Pet Society Gardening

Pet Society Secrets

There are a number of ways to spend your time each day when you login to Pet Society. One of the more recent additions that has grown in popularity is Pet Society gardening, a side game that allows you to grow your own vegetables, flowers and trees for use in fishing, decorating your home or selling back to the food store for a profit. You will need to have a few coins on hand to start Pet Society gardening, but once you have that initial investment ready, you should start gardening immediately. The profit potential is modest, but the other benefits are numerous.

How to Use the Pet Society Gardening Function

The Pet Society garden is open to you right away but is going to be costly to get started, so you may as well wait a few levels until you have some coins set aside to pay for the thing. The key to operating the garden effectively is to know what you are using the crops for. If you need fishing bait, you will almost always want to grow trees, because they do not disappear after you harvest them and they are going to take up the most room. You will also be able to sell off that fruit for a nice profit, something that you can do time and again once you’ve caught your rare fish.

Mastering Pet Society Gardening

You can also grow vegetables which sell for a nice profit and flowers. The flowers do not sell for all that much, but they can be put into pots or vases and placed throughout your home as decorations, something that will allow you a great deal of control over how your home looks. It’s fun to grow and harvest your own flowers for decorations too. Just be sure that you have the time and the money to do it properly and that you don’t grow too many. If you run out of room or end up not wanting that many flowers, you will have wasted quite a bit of coins to grow them and plant them in potters.

If you’re serious about turning Pet Society gardening into something that will allow you to enjoy the game in as many ways as possible, you need to spend some time learning how to manage your time. You also need to take advantage of as many of the benefits you gain from it as possible – including the added bait in your fishing endeavors, the boost in Paw Point gains and the side coins you can make by selling off the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor.  

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Key to Successful Pet Society Fishing

Pet Society Secrets

There is a push in recent months to add fishing to as many games as possible. If you’ve ever played a “pay to play” online game, you probably enjoyed the fishing mechanic there as well. So, it is no surprise that there is such a dedicated community for Pet Society fishing – people who spend time each and every day trying to get the rare items you can pull out of the fishing pond in the center of town. Let’s take a closer look at the secrets Pet Society fishing and how to load up your aquarium wht all the different species out there.

How to Enjoy Pet Society Fishing

Pet Society fishing is done in the pond located near your home. Go there and simple toss out your line. You may need to wait for a few moments, but eventually you will get a bite that will be shown visually by a small splash in the water. When that splash occurs, start dragging the line in by clicking on it. Eventually, that line will start to pull back out. Release the line for a while when this happens to allow the slack to return to it. This will keep you from losing your fish and your bait.

For bait, most fish can be caught with any of the foods you normally use. However, some fish will require specialty bait, things that you can grow in your garden or buy in the shop. There are special items and junk as well that you can catch with carrots and apples, both things that are easiest to grow in your garden.

Mastering Pet Society Fishing

There are no top secret tactics to fishing in this game. The real key is to get a nice big stash of bait and stay on that pier for a good long time. You will be able to take your caught fish back and toss them in your aquarium at home, and there are a lot of fish – a number that continues to rise each week as new options are added to the game.

If you’re interested in getting the specialty fish, you’ll need to grow quite a few different fruit trees in your garden, which can be quite costly and take a long time, so start as soon as possible with your garden.

If you are serious about performing well at the side game of Pet Society fishing, you should spend some time growing your own food to use as bait and then developing an ongoing strategy to maintain and upgrade your fishing poles as you level up. You will also need to keep close track of your aquarium, and remember that each week, new fish and items are added to the game. Keep all that in mind and you will be well on your way to mastering one of the more fun diversions in Pet Society.  

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Friday, January 15, 2010

How to Recycle in Pet Society for a Profit

Pet Society Secrets

Pet Society is a game that will allow you to do all sorts of fun new things you may not have had the chance to enjoy in other Facebook games yet. There are ways to make coins with fishing, gardening, collecting, and trading. You will be able to play games and balance all sorts of different side activities in the game that are unique to Playfish’s quirky little title. However, one of the more interesting factors of the game, especially for those who are interested in making a profit is the ability to trade in your old items for Eco Points by recycling in Pet Society.

How to Recycle in Pet Society

If you want to recycle in Pet Society, you need to start by knowing that the vast majority of items valued over 500 coins that you already have in your house, especially the ones you paid your own coins for, are not worth recycling. You can get a better profit from them by simply selling them off to the shops for the 1/3 value. You can also trade those items back to other players for a profit if they are high quality items.

With that in mind, there are some items that you can trade in for Eco Points, worth twice as much as they cost in the shop. You can also swap your grown goods in the garden and any junk you catch in the pond while fishing for Eco Points, a great way to get a profit.

The Benefits of Recycling in Pet Society

There are three different sizes of Eco Boxes in the game ranging up to 10,000 Eco Points (or 5,000 coins worth of items recycled). These boxes will contain various eco-friendly items such as totem poles that you can add to your garden or your home as decorations. You can also trade your eco boxes or resell the items that come in them, often times for a nice profit.

The real value here though is that if you have junk items but want other items instead of coins, you can recycle and get better items as a result. Don’t expect a huge profit every time out, but if you play it right, you’ll benefit each time out.

When a game like Pet Society offers you a chance to make a nice profit by recycling in the game, while also tossing in a curveball lesson for anyone that may not separate their trash from glass at home, you should take advantage of it. The Eco Points you gain, the fun items you can pull from those boxes and the possible profit you can take home from those boxes if you play them properly all point to a variety of opportunities to make a substantial gain in the game. 

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

How to Make Coins with Mystery Boxes in Pet Society

Pet Society Secrets

Mystery boxes are one of those things that end up being central to almost every aspect of Pet Society. From the most basic coin making methods to the more extreme traders and collectors in the game, mystery boxes are a primary piece of currency that you will need to learn how to buy and sell effectively if you’re serious about rising in the ranks of the game. You’re never going to be at the top of Pet Society, in coins or in level, if you don’t spend some time figuring out how to integrate these seemingly simple purchases into your game play.

What Mystery Boxes Are There?

There are three basic types of mystery boxes – each of them different in size and contents. The first mystery box is red and is sometimes called a small mystery box. It costs 50 coins and contains items worth between 50 and 200 coins. The next box is blue and costs 200 coins and contains items worth between 200 coins and 1000 coins. The next box is the gold box and costs 500 coins and contains items worth between 500 and 3000 coins.

How Do You Make Coins with Mystery Boxes?

Because the highest you can resell anything back to the shops for is 999 coins – one third of the value of the 3000 coin items, you can make a profit with any of the three boxes. The key here though is to find items that are going to be popular with your fellow players. You can often make a nice profit by reselling items back to the shops, but more often than not, you’ll make a larger profit by trading items and coins with your fellow players.

By finding high value, high demand items and boxes that your friends or neighbors need, you’ll quickly find fast routes to big coins. Just be careful if you trade for Mystery boxes as you can easily get duped by scammers if you don’t check their claims.

By purchasing mystery boxes whenever you have a chance and making sure that you keep a close eye on their value and the value of the items that come in them, you can generally make a substantial enough profit off of those items. Keep in mind that there are people out there who would gladly scam you for your items as well, so you should always take care to look up item values, review the trade you are making and be as savvy as possible in your interactions. Do all that and mystery boxes will make you a tidy profit.  

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Value of Playfish Cash in Pet Society

Pet Society Secrets

If you’ve played any of Playfish’s other popular games like Restaurant City or Country Story, then you are likely already at least partially familiar with Playfish Cash. Just like those other games Playfish Cash in Pet Society serves the purpose of unlocking certain higher level and rare items that you would not otherwise be able to buy. It also allows you to access things like the Nannybot which is a great way to maintain your account while you are not logged on. But, for many people who are new to the game or who don’t want to spend real money on a Facebook game, other questions come into the mix regarding Playfish Cash.

What Playfish Cash in Pet Society Can Do

Playfish Cash can be used to buy Nannybots and batteries which can be used to feed and wash your pet automatically when you are offline. You can also use the Playfish cash to upgrade your character in ways that coins cannot. This includes buying rare foods and items for the house that may look cooler or allow you to stand out in special ways. The cash won’t however help you play the game faster or get you to Level 47 more easily.

Do You Really Need Playfish Cash in Pet Society?

The answer is tricky here. It depends on your goal. If you’re trying to reach Level 47 quickly, then no – you don’t need Playfish Cash. However, if you are interested in getting the coolest house with the most stuff to play with, then you very well may need to go with a good chunk of Playfish cash to buy the rarer and more interesting items that are available. For the most part, the choice is up to you, but if you don’t have the cash to spend, don’t spend it. You can at least get to Level 47 first and then worry about if you want the upgrades that Playfish cash can buy you.

The question about Playfish Cash in Pet Society that most people ask is how it will actually help them. In some games it speeds things up significantly. In Pet Society, it just provides a much more complete set of options to deck out your home. If that is something you are interested in, then you should start working on getting some cash together to buy Playfish Cash. If your only goals are to reach Level 47 and hang out with some friends though, you should focus more intently on those things because Playfish Cash won’t have much more of an impact.  

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Avoid Scams in Pet Society

Pet Society Secrets

There are a lot of scams in Pet Society that you should be looking out for. As scary as that may sound, it doesn’t need to be a serious problem. For the most part these scams can be avoided with simple common sense – something most players have plenty of. The problem though is that the desire to excel and move forward in a game that has so many marks of status is too great to stop and think about the problems that might arise from moving too quickly. If you’re not careful, you may not be able to focus in on what you are doing and whether or not the deal you’re getting is in fact too good to be true.

Which Scams in Pet Society Are There?

To start with, players are going to try and start up trades with you out of the blue. This should be an immediate red flag. If you don’t know someone, have never seen them before and don’t know why they are trying to trade you for a Mystery Box, you may need to step back and ask yourself what they really want.

Another possible scam is people setting up shop on the forums or their own blog and making it look like they have a long history of trading. This is very simple to fake and you should look for a way to personally verify their history. Just because someone lists players they’ve traded with doesn’t mean they really did or that you’ll be able to find any of those people when you search for them in the game – there are more than 10 million players of this game after all.

How to Avoid Scams in Pet Society

To avoid scams in Pet Society, you need to do three very simple things. First, pay attention. Don’t let anyone trick you because you’re too eager to get something that you probably won’t actually receive. Second, do your research. If a stranger wants to make a trade, ask for references or Google their character name. And third, try to stick with people you know. The best route is always to just steer clear of strangers altogether. Do this and you will know for a fact that you are not going to get scammed.

If you take your time, think about what you are facing and what tricky factors might influence how you are playing the game, you will usually find that the majority of Pet Society scams can be easily avoided. Look for players you can trust, only make trades you are comfortable with and if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Keep all that in mind and you can bet that you will almost never need to worry about being taken advantage of.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

The Fastest Route to Leveling Up in Pet Society

Pet Society Secrets

Like any good Facebook game, Pet Society has a vicious leveling curve that can be incredibly deceiving. When you get started, you think you can make it to the top in just a few short days, but once you get to around level 10, the speed drops off sharply and you quickly find that leveling up in Pet Society is not only tough, it is extremely time consuming. So, it is important to know every way in which you can gain Paw Points, the de facto experience markers in this game. If you can load up on enough of these points, you’ll b able to quickly rise to the top of the game without wasting a large chunk of time in the process.

How Leveling in Pet Society Works

Leveling is based on Paw Points, which you gain for just about everything you do in the game. You will get Paw Points for every time you feed your pet, every time you increase cleanliness or happiness with cleaning and petting, for every time you do 5 ball tosses, Frisbee throws, or jump ropes in a row (this is unlimited), and anytime you buy items.

You can also gain Paw Points by visiting your friends, growing items in your garden, catching fish and giving gifts. Basically, whatever you do in this game will reward you with Paw Points for leveling up – something that you won’t get in the way of coins.

The Quickest Ways to Get Paw Points

If you’re looking for a fast route to get Paw Points, the easiest route is to log in each day and visit your friends. You will gain a large chunk of Paw Points for those visits (5 per visit), plus you can gain up to 100 Paw Points for any gifts you give your friends. This is based on the value of the gift you send, so this gets expensive, but you also gain Paw Points for buying those items, so you can double your points by buying and then giving away any items from the shops.

Once you get the hang of gathering Paw Points as quickly as possible, leveling up in Pet Society is going to be one of those processes that comes as second nature. And the best part is that, unlike making coins, you won’t need to worry about doing it forever. Once you reach Level 47, everything caps out and you cannot level up any further. In short, you will be able to find a good stopping point and just wait there as you move your way up the charts. It’s simple, it’s fast and it works extremely well. Just make sure to logon each day.  

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mastering the Different Pet Society Sports

Pet Society Secrets

There are three different Pet Society sports that you can start playing almost immediately in the game. The ball is unlocked from the moment you hit Level 2 (which is done in the tutorial), and the Frisbee will be unlocked in a very short order after that. The third and final of the Pet Society sports is the jump rope, which will be the hardest but also the most rewarding of the three if you can master how complex it is. Together, these three Pet Society Secrets are going to allow you to reach all new heights in the game when it comes to earning Paw Points and landing those tough gold trophies.

Tips for Tossing the Ball

The ball in Pet Society is a tricky sport if you have too much space to play in. The key here is that your pet is going to start throwing it harder the longer you play. If you have a lot of space to play with, you’ll find it hard to stay behind the ball and keep it from hitting the floor. If you have a big house, go to a smaller house of a friend somewhere to play so that you can use the walls as locations for it bounce off of.

Tips for the Frisbee

The same holds true for the Frisbee, except this one is absolutely vital that you have a small house for. The Frisbee travels faster and is smaller, so it is harder to click on if your reflexes are not top notch. Make sure to have as little space as possible and you’ll be okay though.

Tips for the Jump Rope

The jump rope is a tough one to master if you’re not careful because the game gives you almost no time to react to the red line that pops up telling you to jump. So, instead of relying on that line, look for the rope to pass over the pet’s eyebrows. When it gets to that point, click the rope to jump and by the time the reaction gets through you should be good. Your own reaction time may be faster or slower, so if this doesn’t work for you, adjust as necessary, making sure to find a good visual reference point to keep your rhythm going.

As you can see, there are a lot of different things you can do in Pet Society, not the least of which are the Pet Society sports. These sports will allow you to have fun with your pet, engage with a variety of different fun actions and to gain much needed Paw Points with easily repeated actions that won’t max out each day. If you’re bored enough or are good with the ball or Frisbee, you can reach the top levels in no time flat, just playing Pet Society sports. 

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